Frenchie Bulldog Pet Supply

Signs It’s Time to Take Your Dog to the Vet

Itchy eyes, ignoring food, looking sad and tired -- we all know what you're thinking when your pup looks like this: "Is it time to take my dog to the vet?"

Typically, dogs don’t show clear signs of them feeling sick or in pain. This is a trait that served their wild ancestors well in helping them to hide sickness from predators, but it does pose a challenge for pet parents. The last thing you want is for your dog to get seriously sick because you did not recognize the warning signs! Here are some ways you can determine whether or not you should take your dog to the vet. 

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Frenchie Gives Back: Living With Pickles & The Farmily Foundation

We're back with our August charity, and we've got a great one for you, Frenchie family -- or should we say "FARMily"?! 

The Farmily Foundation, run by Maddie Johnson of the @livingwithpickles Instagram sensation, is a rescue and rehabilitation program for farm animals. To date, Maddie and her "farmily" have rehabbed and rehomed more than 200 animals, including a rotation of foster puppies, a baby cow named Eric, and several llamas.

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How to Make Life Easier When You’re Allergic to the Pet You LOVE

All dog owners know your furry best friend can breathe fresh, joyful energy into your life. But, unfortunately, if you’re one of the 30% of people affected by pet allergies, they can also make it hard to...well, breathe. 

Thankfully, there are many solutions to allow allergy sufferers to keep their beloved pets while also successfully warding off those sniffles and sneezes. Here are five tips to reduce your allergies as a pet owner.

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10 Ways to Save Money as a Dog Owner 💸

We get it, being a dog owner is expensive. Between vet bills, dog food, toys, and boarding (not to mention hoodies, harnesses, and oh-so-adorable accessories), those credit card bills can pile up. But luckily, there are ways to save money as a pet parent without cutting corners.

Today, we're breaking down 10 ways you can save money as a dog owner while still giving your furry family member the best life, like, ever! 

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What's the Best Homemade Dog Food for my Pup? 🤔

Rising pet food costs, empty carbs, picky eaters -- whatever your reason, you may be considering making the switch to homemade dog food. But what is the best homemade dog food recipe for your pup?

This quick guide takes a look at the basics of how to make dog food at home. We'll break down proper protein-to-flavor ratios and preparation, as well as what NOT to add to your pet's food. 

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