Frenchie Gives Back: Living With Pickles & The Farmily Foundation

We're back with our August charity, and we've got a great one for you, Frenchie family -- or should we say "FARMily"?!
The Farmily Foundation, run by Maddie Johnson of the @livingwithpickles Instagram sensation, is a rescue and rehabilitation program for farm animals. To date, Maddie and her "farmily" have rehabbed and rehomed more than 200 animals, including a rotation of foster puppies, a baby cow named Eric, and several llamas.
Are you freaking out yet? Because we definitely are.
Maddie's mission focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating orphaned animals of all shapes and sizes -- pigs, llamas, puppies, kittens, goats, you name it! Through the @livingwithpickles Instagram account, Maddie captures the day-to-day wonders and realities of living on a farm with 10+ rescue animals at any time -- including the star of the show, Pickles the Pig!
The story begins with an unexpected adoption. Maddie grew up with plenty of farm animals around, but adopting a pig wasn't on the agenda until she saw a Facebook post begging for emergency adoptions after a woman's farm flooded.
After a harrowing initial adoption -- Pickles accidentally ate rat poison and needed emergency transfusions from other pigs to pull through -- Pickles settled right into the family. And now, along with his little brother Dill (a French Bulldog mix), Pickles is a happy-go-lucky four-hooved family member.
Naturally, the first move after adopting a pig was to make him an Instagram account, so Maddie created @livingwithpickles to document her new friend's antics. But the account exploded, with more than 150,000 followers to date wanting updates on Pickles's adventures.
When Pickles needed those lifesaving blood transfusions, the Instagram community helped find a new home for the sow who saved Pickles's life (Maddie and her family named her Tickles, of course). This was the first rehab and rehome for what would become The Farmily Foundation -- and now, through community support and an incredible Instagram following, Maddie and her "farmily" have rescued more than 200 animals.
In addition to their rehabilitation program, The Farmily Foundation also offers rehoming services for rescued animals. Right now, they're looking for a home for the lovely Mirianne, a 3 or 4 year old pig rescued from a livestock auction.
To learn more about The Farmily Foundation / Living With Pickles, visit their website at or head over to Instagram (and lose, like, four hours if our research process is any indication!) @livingwithpickles.
We're completely obsessed, and we hope you are too. To donate to The Farmily Foundation, consider joining their Patreon, with plenty of reward offerings for supporters like livestreams, stickers, private Instagram channels, and more!
And of course, supporting Frenchie Bulldog is a great way to support Maddie and her "farmily". A portion of the proceeds from our August sales will go straight to The Farmily Foundation! Shop new faves like the Cabana Collections, available now in Pink and Green, and show your support for this wonderful organization!
Website: Living With Pickles
Instagram: @livingwithpickles
YouTube: LivingWithPickles
Patreon: @livingwithpickles
Donation Link: Donate Here
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