Scrub-a-dub-PUG: How to maintain your dog's hygiene

Scrub-a-dub-PUG: How to maintain your dog's hygiene

Animals don’t have the same hygiene standards (or tools) as humans. It’s not like our dogs can brush his own teeth or his own hair—so us owners have to do that for them. Just like when you have a self-care day and do your ten-step beauty routine, your dog needs to have their beauty routine done too. So, primp and pamper them with our easy “how to” guide on how to maintain your dog’s hygiene.


Have a routine

In between bath days you should have a routine that works for you and your pup. For instance, after every walk try to wipe down their paws to keep them from getting dirt in their nails. And since dogs can’t “wipe” after they use the bathroom, it’s best if you help them out. It may seem gross at first but it’s better than a dingleberry getting on your sofa! Speak with your vet to find out which treats to use -- 2-3 times a week they can get a dental chew to help with their dental hygiene and bad breath!


Brush That Hair

All dogs shed—yes, even short haired dogs. Be sure to brush your dog frequently, at least a few times a month. This not only helps with shedding, but regular brushing removes dead hair and distributes natural oils for a clean and healthy coat. It also gets rid of dead and dry skin, and helps you become familiar with your dog's body.


Bath Time

Have a routine on when you give your dog a bath. For some it’s every other month. For others it's every time they go to the dog park. Whatever your routine is, try to make it a relaxing and enjoyable time for your dog. If they’re enjoying it, they will make the experience easier for you -- not having to fight your pup every time the bath runs is a major relief! Bathing your dog will not only have them smelling good but will also help improve healthy skin and a healthy coat. Be sure to do your research on what kind of shampoos and conditioners to use for your dog -- when in doubt, ask your vet! 



Dogs also need to be well groomed, but grooming is different for each breed. Please do your research on different breeds and their preferred grooming. For instance, you should NEVER shave a husky or a Shetland sheepdog as these dogs have what’s called a “double-coat”, which is a type of coat that consists of two layers. Double-coated dogs have a dense undercoat of short hairs and an under a top coat of longer hairs called guard hairs. This dense undercoat protects a dog from both hot and cold temperatures, and the top coat helps to repel moisture and dirt. Be sure when getting your dog groomed, or if you’re doing the grooming, to pay attention to what your dog needs including bath, brush, haircut, anal glands, nail trim, ear cleaning and more.


Dental Hygiene

Dental health is a very important part of your pet's overall health because dental problems can cause other health problems -- whoever knew that gingivitis could lead to kidney problems? Brushing your dog’s teeth will help combat the build-up of plaque, tartar, and calculus. Be sure to get your pet's teeth and gums should be checked at least once a year by your veterinarian to check for early signs of a problem.


Trim Those Nails

Beyond comfort, neglecting your dog's nails and paws carries serious health risks. Dry paw pads can eventually crack and split, providing easier access for germs and parasites. Overgrown nails can cause your dog's feet to splay unnaturally, reducing traction and making walking painful. Consider investing in a nail grinder or regularly take your dog to the groomers (or vet) for a nail trim. Especially if your dog has black nails, it can be harder to see the quick and you don’t want to accidently cut them too short!


And once they feel—and looktheir absolute best, be sure to put your pup in one of the Frenchie Teddy Bear hoodies for a comfy yet oh-so-adorable look!

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